History - Erumpant montes (ad libitum)

Feb 25, 2022 (xmarteo)

Changed two note shapes, updated remark

"(c4) E(g)r\u00fam(gffd/efED)pant(cd) mon(ixFGhvGFGHihhg~)tes(hg) (;)\r\n<sp>*</sp> ju(f)cun(h)di(ji)t\u00e1(ixg!ho1!iv)tem,(hg) \r\net(jvv) col(jk/lk~)les(kj) jus(j)t\u00ed(jh/jg<!/[-1]h~)ti(gf!gwhgh)am:(hg) (:)\r\n<sp>+</sp> Qui(f)a(ixghg/hih) lux(h) mun(h>)di(ixhjHGhwiHG)\r\nD\u00f3(f)mi(FGhvGFg)nus(gf) (;)\r\ncum(f) po(f)t\u00e9n(ixghg/hi~)ti(h)a(hjHGhwiHG) ve(fghvGFg)nit.(gf) (::)\r\n<sp>V/</sp> De(j) Si(jkJsshih)on(hk~) ex(ij)\u00ed(j)bit(ji!jwkjk) lex,(kj) (;)\r\net(f) ver(h)bum(j) D\u00f3(jk)mi(j)ni(j) de(ji/ji) Je(ih)r\u00fa(jk)sa(ji!jwkJIHi)lem.(ih) (z0::c3)\r\n<sp>+</sp> Qui(df)a(gixefe/fgfhg/hih) lux.(fh) (::)\r\n"

This is an alternative melody from a different manuscript of the same chant immediately prior. Note tThe kcleyf change fat the secornd line 2of in the sourigice has beenal. I'removed, pbecaushed the change back ditor of the original key by one syllable to break at a word boundary, since introduced it so that it would be aligned with line breaks, but individual people making boundarioklets out of this chant entry will have differenot line breaks and should either kelyep alignt with the fifth line in "colles" our align a clef change with their own line breaks.